Department of Diplomatic Affairs
At the heart of Pathos lies an expectation for serious roleplay, but also a thrilling experience. The Department of Diplomatic Affairs (DDA) is responsible for Pathos' affiliations with external groups. We are the architects of raids and riots for the enjoyment of the community, which allows for a satisfying and immersive experience. Without them, the experience quickly becomes dull and uninteresting. We are a team of highly skilled members specializing in the Foreign relations, constantly pushing ourselves finding and exploring new opportunities.
We also pride ourselves on our many duties of educating members of Pathos. We do tours, videos, and questionnaires as we understand the scope of Pathos is often difficult to grasp for new players, and we must help them out.
SamiFRENCH's Special Containment Procedures Foundation (better known as Installation - IX) is a notable SCPF that won Project Spearhead and received R$100,000 from Pathos. IX became allied with Pathos in early 2024.
Reinerus' Chaos Insurgency
Reinerus' Chaos Insurgency (CI) is a notable Group of Interest that became allied with Pathos in August of 2020. CI was introduced post-shutdown on February 27th, 2024 when SCP-173 was stolen. As well as raiding Pathos, CI has a base (Compound Merlin) which is sometimes raided by the Security Department.
ryan977ftw's The Horizon Initiative
ryan977ftw's The Horizon Initiative (THI) is a notable Group of Interest that first became allied with Pathos in 2020. As well as raiding Pathos, THI has a base (Compound Ecclesia) which is sometimes raided by the Security Department. THI's subdivision, The Scribe Corps, is a neutral team that works with the Scientific Department for testing.
urban_distort's Global Occult Coalition
The Global Occult Coalition (GOC) unravels an obvious but specific nuance to the SCP mythos: what if humanity was not merciful toward the unknown? What if, instead of jail cells, we turned to fire and brimstone? What if it was not the anomalous we feared, but rather the anomalous feared us?
Not only does the GOC want to create an immersive and fun experience, but its deep-rooted story tied to the universe of the anomalous is designed to raise questions, making its readers second guess their support for the GOC's seemingly noble dedication to protecting its species. Uprooting chaos and establishing order, its hypocrisies lie in its ability to thrive and grow in confusing entropy.
Cluboxia's The Serpant's Hand
Cluboxia's The Serpant's Hand (TSH) is a notable Group of Interest that first became allied with Pathos on July 25th, 2024. TSH does both raiding and rioting, depending on the phase of the event. The first phase is rioting then transitions to raiding during the second phase.
"Let go of your fear, and join us in the light."
The recruitment process for DDA is through our occasionally released Interest Forms. You can find them in the main Pathos server. After passing, you will be entered into an interview where we learn more about your thinking process and knowledge. After the interview phase, you will be placed into a probationary phase, the contents of which are classified. Please do not ask when we are opening applications or for application answers!
Recruitment is currently closed.
Diplomatic Ambassador
Diplomatic Ambassadors
DDA has a lot to offer, and you can learn even more about the department by visiting their official website! Click the button below to explore further into the Department of Diplomatic Affairs.